
Crime and punishmentWhat does Hinduism say about how criminals should be treated?

Crime is a reality in every society. Hinduism teaches that actions in this life will directly affect experiences in future existences and that negative actions will lead to karmic debt.

Part of Religious StudiesGood and evil - Unit 1

What does Hinduism say about how criminals should be treated?

is an influential figure for many Hindus. He taught that humans should always be treated fairly. He developed the idea of sarvodaya, which means welfare for everyone.

Many Hindus follow Gandhi's ideals and the teachings of and - that all make spiritual progress if they treat one another justly. The belief is that criminals should face consequences for their wrong actions, but should also be given the opportunity to .

Some Hindus value protection as an important aim of punishment, because their concern for communities is such that they want people to remain safe.

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