
Gas laws and the kinetic modelKinetic theory

The behaviour of gases is described in terms of the kinetic theory, which considers the motion of molecules in the gas. The gas law links pressure, volume and temperature.

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Kinetic theory

The kinetic particle model explains the properties of the different states of matter. Particles in solids, liquids and gases have different amounts of energy. The particles are arranged differently and move in different ways.

This table summarises the arrangement and movement of the particles in solids, liquids and gases and shows simple diagrams of the arrangement of the particles.

Arrangement of particlesclose together: regular patternclose together: randomfar apart: random
Movement of particlesvibrate about a fixed positionmove around each othermove quickly in any direction
Arrangement of particles
Solidclose together: regular pattern
Liquidclose together: random
Gasfar apart: random
Movement of particles
Solidvibrate about a fixed position
Liquidmove around each other
Gasmove quickly in any direction

Solid particles

Solid particles are close together in a regular pattern.  They vibrate around fixed positions.

Liquid particles

Liquid particles are close together with random arrangements.  They move around each other.

Gas particles

Gas particles are far apart with random arrangements.  They move quickly in any direction.

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