

Who suffers from discrimination?

Everyone may suffer from discrimination from time to time, but some groups are affected more than others.


Women and men are often treated very differently. Women suffer the most from gender discrimination.


  • are often paid less than men;
  • enjoy fewer promotions at work;
  • have their careers negatively affected by having children;
  • suffer sexual harassment;
  • may work in environments that exclude women from their social activities;
  • are more likely to suffer violence at home.


People with different skin colours, languages, and different ethnic backgrounds from the majority often suffer from discrimination.

Racial minorities:

  • might not be offered the same employment opportunities as others;
  • may be paid less than others;
  • may suffer harassment in public;
  • can be the target of violent attacks.


are usually from a different background from the majority and have suffered in the country that they come from.


  • might struggle to find accommodation;
  • might not find a job that treats them well and pays them fairly;
  • might not be able to speak the language;
  • might struggle to adjust to different weather, culture and traditions;
  • must still have to support a family in their home country;
  • might not be able to educate their children;
  • might suffer from racist discrimination.