
Investigating - EdexcelIdentifying design opportunities

During the designing and making processes it is important to gather feedback from the client and users. Refining the product based on this feedback helps solve any problems before production begins.

Part of Design and TechnologyNEA project skills

Identifying design opportunities

Identifying design opportunities in sports clothing

Identifying user needs

Identifying the needs and wants of an end user enables a design problem to be clearly formulated. This can be done through:

  • observations
  • interviews with a user or user group
  • research into the limitations or conditions that your user may face, eg arthritis
An elderly man is shown gripping his wrist, which is in pain from supposed arthritis.
Image caption,
A user suffering from arthritis may have specific needs that are different to those who don't have the condition

Identifying these needs is important so that designers can identify any limitations to ideas and to help with the initial design ideas. Analysis of research and user feedback can lead to changes being made to the brief, such as a change in timescale or budget. The results of feedback, testing and should give the designer a good starting point to adapt, test, evaluate and improve their product throughout the whole process.