
Key vocabulary, questions and answers for Higher Spanish assessmentSpanish phrases for expressing opinions/arguments

It is useful to memorise some key vocabulary related to the assessment topics of culture, society, learning and employability. Key phrases can also help plan how to introduce your answer, make your argument and then conclude.

Part of SpanishExam, assignment and performance

Useful phrases for expressing opinions and arguments in Spanish

When you are talking or writing in Spanish, you don't just want to repeat the same phrases over and over again.

This table has examples for how you can express opinions and ideas in different ways, to keep your Spanish varied and more interesting. Try learning some of these so that they come naturally, allowing you to concentrate on specific things you want to say.

Por un lado pienso queon the one hand, I think that...
Pero por el otro, dir铆a quebut on the other hand, I would say that...
Debo enfatizar queI must stress that...
Por ejemplofor example...
Creo queI believe that...
Estoy seguro/a de queI am certain that
Encuentro queI find that
Estoy convencido/a de queI am convinced that
Lo encuentro dif铆cil de [ + verb ]I find it difficult to
Me pregunto siI ask myself if...
Estimo queI consider that
O... o...either... or...
Como resultadoas a result
Es m谩sfurthermore
Por un lado pienso que
on the one hand, I think that...
Pero por el otro, dir铆a que
but on the other hand, I would say that...
Debo enfatizar que
I must stress that...
Por ejemplo
for example...
Creo que
I believe that...
Estoy seguro/a de que
I am certain that
Encuentro que
I find that
Estoy convencido/a de que
I am convinced that
Lo encuentro dif铆cil de [ + verb ]
I find it difficult to
Me pregunto si
I ask myself if...
Estimo que
I consider that
O... o...
either... or...
Como resultado
as a result
Es m谩s