
Buddhist ethical worship


The Buddha taught that is important as it it means that people have the power to determine their own destiny through their actions. Through kamma people can be set free from ignorance and suffering. Thinking about how they behave enables Buddhists to do good things in their life.

Buddhists should try to follow the and the teachings of the Buddha so that they do not cause suffering. This enables them to reach and freedom from .

Kamma is the idea that all actions (no matter how big or small) have consequences. However, for Buddhists it is more specific than that, as they believe that there are skilful and unskilful actions. A skilful action is one that produces happiness, whereas an unskilful action is one that produces suffering.

Examples of skilful actionsExamples of unskilful actions
Being kindBeing unkind
Being generousBeing selfish
Being helpful to othersNot helping others
Examples of skilful actionsBeing kind
Examples of unskilful actionsBeing unkind
Examples of skilful actionsBeing generous
Examples of unskilful actionsBeing selfish
Examples of skilful actionsBeing helpful to others
Examples of unskilful actionsNot helping others

In the Dhammapada (181鈥187), the Buddha taught how to become an through ridding yourself of pleasures and following the . He also spoke of the importance of controlling the senses, trying to become free of cravings, not doing evil things, and practising patience and concentration.

The wise who practise jhana [training of the mind] concentration and Insight Meditation take delight in the peace of liberation from sensual pleasures and moral defilements.
Dhammapada 181