
Making - EduqasSelecting the rights tools and equipment

Manufacturers need to consider the form, function and cost of designs before production. Designers need to consider safety, availability of materials and minimising waste, while maintaining quality.

Part of Design and TechnologyDesigning and making principles

Selecting tools, equipment, techniques and processes

Each aspect of designing and making features tools, which are being developed and improved all the time. Selecting the right tools and equipment for a job is vital when producing a quality product.

Important tips for selecting the most appropriate tools and equipment:

  • use internet research and watch online instruction videos
  • access forums and blogs to read public tips on successful production
  • ask other people and visit or email specialist workplaces
  • visit the local library and research techniques in specialist books
  • companies who manufacture the tools and equipment often have detailed instructions online for their use

Working safely is a vital part of production. Research into relevant tools, equipment and processes must include checking that they are appropriate and fit for purpose. When making, the user should select and use specialist techniques, hand tools and machinery appropriate to the material that is being shaped or worked. Certain machines and processes only work with selected materials, eg a should only be used with metals and plastics.

A close-up blurred out image of a computer numerical controlled (CNC) milling machine cutting metal.
Image caption,
Cutting metal with a milling machine