
Converting to a foreign currency

When you go abroad you need to change your money to the currency of the country you visit.

A table of exchange rates is shown below.

CountryExchange rate for pound sterling
Australia1.70 Australian dollars
European countries with euro1.16 euros
Switzerland1.11 Swiss francs
South Africa20.01 rand
Turkey21.33 New Turkish lira
USA1.17 US dollars
Exchange rate for pound sterling1.70 Australian dollars
CountryEuropean countries with euro
Exchange rate for pound sterling1.16 euros
Exchange rate for pound sterling1.11 Swiss francs
CountrySouth Africa
Exchange rate for pound sterling20.01 rand
Exchange rate for pound sterling21.33 New Turkish lira
Exchange rate for pound sterling1.17 US dollars

To change British money to foreign money - multiply by the exchange rate.

\(Foreign\; currency = British\; currency \times exchange\; rate\)


Anne is going to Spain on holiday and changes \(\pounds200\) to euros. How many euros does she get?

Bitesize currency app on a tablet converting 200 British pounds to 316 Euros


One pound is \(\euro1.16\)

Amount of euros\( = 200 \times 1.16 = 232\)

Anne gets \(\euro232\)

Use the table of exchange rate above to answer the following question.


Tim is going to Florida for his holidays.

He saves \(\pounds150\) of his pocket money.

How many dollars will he get?