
Percentages - OCRExpressing one number as a % of another number

Percentages are used in everyday life, for example, calculating discounts during sales and interest rates at banks. Knowing how to find and use percentages is an important skill.

Part of MathsRatio, proportion and rates of change

Expressing one number as a percentage of another number

Writing one number as a percentage of another number is a common, everyday necessity. For example, it's used for calculating percentage scores on tests or working out costs on a project.

It requires knowledge of .


A maths test is out of 20 marks. A student takes this test and scores 18 marks. What percentage score did the student get?

To answer this question, first write the score as a fraction. 18 marks out of 20 can be shown as the fraction \(\frac{18}{20}\) (18 out of 20).

Percentages are 'per hundred', so to get a percentage answer the must be 100.

Use equivalent fractions to turn \(\frac{18}{20}\) into a fraction with 100 as the denominator.

\(\frac{18}{20} = \frac{90}{100}\) (multiply and denominator by 5)

\(\frac{90}{100} = 90 \%\) (90 out of 100), so 18 out of 20 marks is 90% of the marks.

If using a calculator, you can calculate one number as a percentage of another by dividing the numbers and multiplying by 100.


Find 23 as a percentage of 80.

Calculate \(23 \div 80 = 0.2875\).

\(0.2875 \times 100 = 28.75 \%\).


A snack that weighs 40 g has 18 g of carbohydrates, 12 g of fat and 10 g of protein. What percentage of carbohydrates does the snack contain?