
Common rules and patterns – WJECa and ac

Understanding grammar means learning how patterns work and being able to transfer them to different situations. This will help you communicate effectively and correctly, so, why not give it a go?

Part of Welsh Second Language (WJEC)Grammar

a and ac

a and ac both mean and but how are they used? Look at these sentences but focus in particular on the use of a and ac.

Dw i’n hoffi bwyta pysgod a sglodion. – I like eating fish and chips.

Dw i’n hoffi bwyta bananas ac afalau. – I like eating bananas and apples.

Es i i mewn i’r ystafell a siaradais i â John. – I went into the room and I spoke to John.

Es i i mewn i’r ystafell ac eisteddais i ar y gadair. – I went into the room and I sat down on the chair.


When should you use a and ac?