

In music, speed is referred to as tempo. A tempo marking is usually given at the beginning of a piece.

Many musical terms are in Italian because it was mainly Italian composers - such as Vivaldi, Monteverdi, da Palestrina, and Gabrieli - who invented musical notation as we know it today:

You only need to remember the four tempos below for your exam:

  • Adagio - slow
  • Andante - a walking pace
  • Moderato - moderately
  • Allegro - quick and lively

Change of tempo

Sometimes a piece of music changes tempo. The following words can be used to describe tempo changes:

  • Accelerando - getting faster
  • Rallentando - slowing down, normally for emphasis
  • Ritardando - slowing down, holding back
  • A tempo - return to the original tempo after speeding up or slowing down