Responding to stimuliUsing artworks as stimuli for expressive work
Artists and designers find stimuli in the world around them or research a particular topic to find stimuli. They use this material to help them generate a personal creative response in their work.
Artists who work in your chosen area and whose ideas and techniques you are interested in can be a good source for stimulus.
Choose key artists who will influence your own practical work and analyse their techniques. This work can be presented in a number of different ways:
in your sketchbook
in a jotter
as a presentation on sheets of paper or card
as a digital presentation using software of your choice
as a blog
You should consider how the artists鈥 approaches might influence your own work. Think about:
key visual elements and how they are used
the style of the work and how this is achieved
Does it belong to a particular art movement?
What are its characteristics?
social and cultural influences that have had an impact on the artworks
materials and techniques used
Make this work visual. Include as many relevant images as possible. See if you can find close-up details of the works or see the work in real life if possible. This will help you understand the artists鈥 techniques.