
Converting units of area and volumeExamples of converting units of area and volume

When converting between metric units of area and volume, the numbers you have to multiply or divide by need to be squared for area and cubed for volume.

Part of MathsMeasurement

Examples of converting units of area and volume


Convert \(50,000~cm^2\) into \(m^2\).

\(1~m = 100~cm\).

Diagram of squares

So, \(1~m^2 = 100~cm \times 100~cm = 10,000~cm^2\).

You are converting from a smaller unit \((cm^2)\) to a larger unit \((m^2)\), so divide.

\(50,000~cm^2 = 50,000 \div 10,000 = 5~m^2\).


Convert \(10~cm^3\) into \(mm^3\).