
Performing music - preparing for a performance

GCSE performances are required to be recorded in Year 11. Creating and sticking to a good practice regime in the lead up to the performance is essential. Before the performance day, whether your performance is solo or ensemble, you need to consider the following:

  • If there are other players involved in your performance - accompanist, or other ensemble players - make sure that you have rehearsed regularly with them.
  • Find as many opportunities as possible to perform to a variety of audiences. Whether it is in your front room or at a more formal concert venue, practising performing your piece before your recording will give you an idea of how you will handle nerves and last minute stresses.
  • Make sure you have the right music and it is the music from which you have been learning. Last minute downloads from the internet may be different editions, which could confuse you, especially if your part has been marked up.
  • If you need spare pages for page turns, make sure you have these. If they need taping together, do this well in advance.
  • Getting into the performance space early will help you familiarise yourself with it and calm your nerves. Arrive early and warm up thoroughly.
  • Keep your instrument and fingers warm while you are waiting.