
Geography - OCR

Easy-to-understand homework and revision materials for your GCSE Geography OCR '9-1' studies and exams

Part of Geography

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Exam practice

Geographical skills

  • Introduction to conducting fieldwork - OCR

    Geography fieldwork involves formulating an enquiry question, gathering data, analysing the results and reaching conclusions. Fieldwork is often written up as a report.

  • Cartographic skills - OCR

    Maps represent the real world. Cartographic means anything relating to the drawing or making of maps. Atlas maps show large areas and Ordnance Survey maps show smaller areas in more detail. Sketch maps, satellite images, photos, GIS maps and geology maps are all useful, too.

  • Graphical skills - OCR

    Graphs, charts and maps can be used to show geographical information. Choosing the correct method of data presentation is important. Knowing how to complete a graph is an essential geographical skill.

  • Numerical and statistical skills - OCR

    Data is often used to show geographical information. Being able to use measures of data, make calculations and explore relationships is an essential geographical skill.

  • Qualitative and quantitative data - OCR

    Data can be quantitative or qualitative. When fieldwork data is collected, it can be either primary or secondary.
