
Watch: Introducing time zones

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Why are there time zones?

  • Time zones are divided by imaginary lines called meridians.
  • They run from the North Pole to the South Pole.
  • There are 24 time zones. One for each hour of the day.
Longitude lines from north to south pole on a cartoon globe.
  • There is an imaginary line running through the UK called the Prime Meridian. It is also known as the Greenwich Meridian.

  • It runs through a place in London called Greenwich.

  • The Greenwich Meridian splits the world into eastern and western hemispheres.

A globe showing Greenwich meridian and longitude on globe.
  • Time in countries to the east of the Greenwich Meridian is always in front of that in the UK.

  • Time in countries to the west of the Greenwich Meridian is always behind that of the UK.

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Why is the time different on the other side of the world?

As the Earth rotates on its axis, the Sun only shines on the side of the Earth that it is facing. This means:

  • It is daytime for the parts of the Earth that have the Sun shining on them
  • It is night-time for places that are on the opposite side of the Earth and are in the shade
Cartoon of Sue Venir in bed at night next to a cartoon of auntie in the daytime.
Image caption,
It is night-time where Sue Venir is, and daytime in Auntie Joyce's part of the world.
  • Different places in the world have different times.
  • This is why the world is divided into 24 different time zones.
  • One for each hour in a day.
Cartoon of Sue Venir in bed at night next to a cartoon of auntie in the daytime.
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It is night-time where Sue Venir is, and daytime in Auntie Joyce's part of the world.
A cartoon globe showing people from different places in the world. One person is asleep at 12.00AM while it is 7.00AM for another person and they are drinking some coffee in another part of the world.
  • Very large countries such as Australia or the USA can have many time zones.
  • Most smaller countries have the same time zone, even if part of them falls outside a meridian line.
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Activity: Quiz 鈥 Time zones

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