
Key points

  • You can find the percentage of an amount mentally, by combining percentages or using . Or you may choose to use a calculator method.
  • To calculate , being able convert percentages to fractions, find equivalent fractions, and find fractions of an amount are useful skills.
  • Knowledge of the order of operations (BIDMAS) is useful in recognising that a percentage calculation can be entered into a calculator in different ways.
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Find a percentage of an amount using combinations of percentages

One way to find a percentage of an amount is to use 1%, 10% and 50% as building blocks.

  1. Write the percentage as the of two or more of 1%, 10% and 50%

  2. Work out the percentages.

  3. Sum the percentages to get the total percentage.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 10, One percent, ten percent and fifty percent 鈥 all in boxes. , 1%, 10% and 50% can be used as building blocks for working out percentages in your head.


Given the building blocks of 50% and 10%, there is more than one way to mentally work out 45% using combinations of percentages.

Write down some ideas. Then check to see if your combinations are listed.

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Find a percentage of an amount using equivalent fractions

Another method to find a percentage an amount involves equivalent fractions.

To find a percentage of an amount using equivalent fractions:

  1. Write the percentage as a equivalent fraction.

  2. Divide the amount by the .

  3. Then multiply the result by the .

It is useful to know that A% of B is the same as B% of A. This is helpful to remember when calculating a trickier percentage.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 10, Example 1: Thirty percent of one-hundred and sixty. , Find 30% of 160


Find 75% of 24

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Find a percentage of an amount using a calculator

There is more than one way to work out a percentage of an amount using a calculator:

Convert the percentage to a decimal, then find the percentage of the amount.

  1. Divide the percentage value by 100

  2. Multiply by the amount.


Work out 1% of the amount, then find the percentage of the amount.

  1. Divide the amount by 100

  2. Multiply by the percentage value.

The order of operations (BIDMAS) can give further variations of the process.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, Example 1: Seventy-three percent of six-hundred and eighty. , Find 73% of 680 using a calculator.


Use a calculator to work out 8鈭2% of 3500

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Practise calculating percentages

Practise calculating percentages in this quiz. You might need a pen, paper and calculator to help you.


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Real-world maths

A white waitress smiling at two customers as one of them taps their card on a card machine to pay. They have two coffee cups next to them.
Image caption,
Working out a percentage of the bill and adding a 10% tip for table service.

A customer in a restaurant may wish to give a tip when paying for a meal. They may use a mental calculation to work out a 10% or 15% payment to the person who has provided the table service. They can then leave a cash tip, or add the tip to their card payment.

Finding the percentage of an amount is useful when buying discounted goods. For example, a clothes store may offer higher discounts on particular collections within the same store. Each item may be tagged with the full price and the percentage discount. It is useful to be able to work out the price you will pay either mentally or with a calculator.

A white waitress smiling at two customers as one of them taps their card on a card machine to pay. They have two coffee cups next to them.
Image caption,
Working out a percentage of the bill and adding a 10% tip for table service.
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Teaching resources

Are you a teacher looking for more resources? This short video clip describes how percentage discounts can be worked out without using a calculator.

成人快手 Teach has thousands of free, curriculum-linked resources to help deliver lessons - all arranged by subject and age group.

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Game - Divided Islands

Play the Divided Islands game! game

Using your maths skills, help to build bridges and bring light back to the islands in this free game from 成人快手 Bitesize.

Play the Divided Islands game!
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