
There are two verbs for 'to be' in Spanish, ser and estar, and they are used in different ways.

To be: 'ser' in the present tense

The verb ser is used to indicate:


  • Soy ingl茅s - I am English (masculine).
  • Soy espa帽ola - I am Spanish (feminine).

Where you are from

  • 驴De d贸nde eres? - Where are you from?
  • Soy de Inglaterra y soy inglesa - I am from England and I am English (feminine).


  • Mi madre es m茅dica - My mother is a doctor.
  • Mi hermano es profesor - My brother is a teacher.

The date

  • 驴Qu茅 d铆a es hoy? - What is the date?
  • Hoy es el treinta y uno de julio - Today is the 31st July.

The time

  • 驴Qu茅 hora es? - What time is it?
  • Son las once y media - It's half past eleven.

Characteristics of people or things

  • 驴C贸mo eres? - What do you look like?

  • Soy alta y llevo gafas - I am tall and I wear glasses.

A photo of a female engineer looking through a microscope.
Image caption,
'Mi hermanastra es ingeniera.' Use the verb 'ser' when talking about jobs

The table below shows the different parts of ser for different people or things. Can you use them to give more information about yourself or someone or something you know?

soyI am
eresyou are
eshe/she/it is

'Ser' in the past tense

To talk about the past, the imperfect tense of the verb ser is very useful. It helps you describe what things were like or what they used to be like.

For example:

  • La pel铆cula era muy graciosa - The film was very funny.
  • 驴Qu茅 deportes hac铆as cuando eras m谩s joven? - What sports did you do when you were younger?
  • Cuando era m谩s joven, jugaba al tenis - When I was younger, I used to play tennis.

This table gives the verb ser in the past tense for different people and things. Can you use the different forms of the verb to give more information about yourself, or someone or something you know?

eraI was/used to be
erasyou were/used to be
erahe/she/it was/used to be

'Ser' in the future tense

Use the immediate future tense to say what someone or something is going to be like.

For example:

  • La semana que viene voy a visitar Londres. Va a ser muy divertido - Next week I am going to visit London. It is going to be very fun.
  • El programa va a ser bastante aburrido - The programme is going to be quite boring.
  • Voy a ser m谩s alto que mi padre - I am going to be taller than my father.

This table gives the verb ser in the future tense for different people and things.

Can you use the different forms of the verb to give more information about yourself, or someone or something you know?

voy a serI am going to be
vas a seryou are going to be
va a serhe/she/it is going to be

To be: 'Estar' in the present tense

The verb estar is used to indicate:

Where something is located

  • 驴顿贸苍诲别 别蝉迟谩 el libro? - Where is the book?
  • El libro 别蝉迟谩 en la mesa - The book is on the table.

Feelings and emotions and saying how you are

  • 驴C贸mo 别蝉迟谩蝉? - How are you?
  • Estoy muy bien, gracias - I am very well, thank you.

The condition of someone or something

  • Mi hermana 别蝉迟谩 enferma - My sister is ill.

  • El coche 别蝉迟谩 roto - The car is broken.

Photo of a smart phone with a broken screen
Image caption,
'Mi tel茅fono 别蝉迟谩 roto'. Use the verb 'estar' to talk about the condition of someone or something

This table gives the verb estar for different people and things. Can you use the different forms of the verb to give more information about yourself, or someone or something you know?

estoyI am
别蝉迟谩蝉you are
别蝉迟谩he/she/it is

'Estar' in the past tense

Use the imperfect tense of estar to describe what, how or where someone or something was.

For example:

  • Estaba en la calle - I was in the street.
  • Mi madre estaba contenta - My mother was happy.

This table gives the verb estar in the past tense for different people. Can you use the different forms of the verb to give more information about yourself, or someone or something you know?

estabaI was/used to be
estabasyou were/used to be
estabahe/she/it was/used to be

'Estar' in the future tense

Use the immediate future tense of estar to say what or how someone or something is going to or will be.

For example:

  • Vas a estar en casa m谩s tarde? - Are you going to be at home later?
  • 驴顿贸苍诲别 vas a estar a las tres? - Where are you going to be at three o麓clock?
  • Voy a estar en la cafeter铆a - I am going to be in the caf茅.

This table gives the verb estar in the future tense for different people. Can you use the different forms of the verb to give more information about yourself, or someone or something you know?

voy a estarI am going to be
vas a estaryou are going to be
va a estarhe/she/it is going to be

Find out how much you know about the verb 'to be' in Spanish with this activity!


Find out how much you know about the verb 'to be' in Spanish with this short quiz!

Game - FestiLingo: Spanish. game

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Game - FestiLingo: Spanish