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What is migration?

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Key points

  • There are different reasons why people migrate, such as for work opportunities or to seek safety.
  • Migration is influenced by push and pull factors.
  • Migration of people can happen both between different countries, and within the same country.
  • Migration can have a number of effects on both the host and source countries.

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Why do people migrate?

is the movement of people from one area to another. This may be temporary or permanent and may be international or within a country.

The decision to migrate is often a difficult one and one taken out of dire need, for safety, or for the hope of a better life. The reasons why people choose to leave one area and go to another are known as push and pull factors. Push factors are things which make people want to leave and pull factors are things attracting them to the new location. Often the decision to move from one area to another is based on a mix of both push and pull factors.

Push and pull factors which can cause migration.
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Push and pull factors which can cause migration

Push factors

A person may choose to leave their area or country voluntarily, or they may be forced to leave. For example, and may be forced to leave to escape a war or .

People may also have to leave a country as a result of a . In the aftermath of the May 2021 Mount Nyiragongo volcanic eruption in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for instance, around 400,000 people were forced to flee the Congolese city of Goma. Thousands of those people entered neighbouring Rwanda, where they stayed in the border city of Gisenyi.

A Syrian child in a refugee camp
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Millions of Syrians have been forced to leave their homes for for refugee camps in neighbouring countries

Pull factors

People may choose to voluntarily leave their area or country to improve their . These people are known as economic migrants. They may move from a low-income country to a high-income country or from a to an in the same country in the hope of finding a better paid job. Although this is classed as voluntary migration, some people may feel forced to move to support their families.


What is the difference between a push and pull factor?

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The effects of migration

Migration can have consequences for both the host and the source countries and these can be both positive and negative.

Positive impacts of migration for source countryNegative impacts of migration for source country
Reduction in .As the population decreases, so too does the amount of money received from .
Less demand for services such as healthcare in the country due to the now lower population.Those who leave are often those who are highly skilled and educated, leaving fewer skilled workers in the source country. This is known as 鈥榖rain drain鈥.
Money sent back home from the host country can help boost the source country鈥檚 economy.
Chinatown in London
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Migration can enrich a country by bringing new cultures and cuisines. Chinatown in London has been at its present site in the West End since the 1950s.
Positive impacts of migration for host countryNegative impacts of migration for host country
Skilled workers arriving in the host country means shortages can be filled without having to invest in training people to fill these roles.Large numbers of people coming to a country all at once may lead to environmental impacts as the migrants compete for resources. An increase in migrants to one place can increase the levels of pollution in that area.
More money is paid to the government in taxes and more money is spent in businesses, providing a boost to the economy.Increased competition for jobs may lead to a rise in resentment and potentially conflict between migrant workers and locals.
Attracting younger workers is a way of coping with an increasingly ageing population.
An exchange and appreciation of cultures and a multicultural society.

Game - Dealing with emigration

Play a Planet Planners mission and help a low-income country to manage shifts in population.

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What is the difference between a host and source country?

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