
Saying what time it is - on the hour

To find out what the time is, ask 驴Qu茅 hora es? - What time is it?

Reply with son las followed by a number to say the time on the hour.

For example:

  • 驴Qu茅 hora es? - What time is it?

  • Son las dos - It is two o鈥檆lock.

However, for one o鈥檆lock use es la instead of son las.

For example:

  • 驴Qu茅 hora es? - What time is it?

  • Es la una - It is one o鈥檆lock.

Here is a reminder of useful numbers to help you to say the time in Spanish.

uno (una when telling the time)one
doce twelve
A photo of an analogue alarm clock showing three o'clock
Image caption,
Son las tres

Saying what time it is - quarter past, half past and quarter to

To say the time in Spanish, say the hour first followed by a phrase or number.

To say quarter past (y cuarto), half past (y media) and quarter to (menos cuarto) the hour, add these phrases to 鈥榦n the hour鈥 phrases.

For example:

  • Son las diez y cuarto - It鈥檚 quarter past ten.

  • Son las diez y media - It鈥檚 half past ten.

  • Son las diez menos cuarto - It鈥檚 a quarter to ten.

A photo of an analogue alarm clock showing three o'clock
Image caption,
Son las tres

Minutes to and past the hour

To say minutes past the hour or minutes to the hour, add these phrases to the hour.

y cincofive past
y diezten past
y veintetwenty past
y veinticincotwenty-five past
menos cincofive to
menos diezten to
menos veintetwenty to
menos veinticincotwenty-five to

For example:

  • Son las nueve y diez - It is ten past nine.

  • Es la una menos veinte - It is twenty to one.

A photo of an analogue clock showing quarter past three
Image caption,
Son las tres y cuarto de la tarde

Saying what time it is - in the morning, the afternoon and the evening

In Spain, people often say de la ma帽ana (in the morning), de la tarde (in the afternoon, from 13:00 until 18:00), and de la noche (in the the evening, from when it gets dark until midnight).

For example:

  • Son las ocho de la ma帽ana - It鈥檚 eight o'clock in the morning.

  • Son las tres y media de la tarde - It鈥檚 half past three in the afternoon.

  • Son las nueve y cuarto de la noche - It鈥檚 quarter past nine in the evening.

A photo of an analogue clock showing quarter past three
Image caption,
Son las tres y cuarto de la tarde

Saying what time it is - the 24 hour clock

You may find that the 24 hour clock is used for timetables, television or film listings or hours that a shop is open.

For example:

  • Son las trece quince - It's 13:15.

  • Son las diecisiete treinta - It's 17:30.

  • Son las veintiuna cuarenta y cinco - It's 21:45.

  • Son las cero diez - It's 00:10.

Saying at what time things happen

Use a las + the time to say when something happens.

For example:

  • Desayuno a las siete - I have breakfast at seven o'clock.

  • Ceno a las seis y media - I have dinner at half past six.

Because 'one o鈥檆lock' is singular, remember to use a la, instead of a las.

For example:

  • Como a la una y media - I eat at half past one.

Describing daily routine

To describe what you do during the day and at what time, you may need to use some reflexive verbs.

Reflexive verbs are verbs that talk about, demonstrate or describe an action that is being done to the person who is carrying out the action, like saying for example 鈥榯o myself鈥, such as 鈥業 wash myself鈥.

For example:

  • Me levanto a las ocho menos cuarto - I get up at quarter to eight.

  • Me lavo a las ocho - I get washed at eight o'clock.

  • Me acuesto a las nueve y media - I go to bed at half past nine.

A photo of an analogue clock showing half past three
Image caption,
Llego a casa a las tres y media

Other useful verbs include:

  • Voy al colegio a las ocho menos cuarto - I go to school at quarter to eight.

  • Llego a casa a las tres y media - I get home at half past three.

  • Juego al f煤tbol en el parque a las cinco - I play football in the park at five o'clock.

  • A las seis hago los deberes - At six o'clock I do my homework.

A photo of an analogue clock showing half past three
Image caption,
Llego a casa a las tres y media

Have a look at this downloadable vocabulary list to see more useful words to describe your daily routine

Daily routine - extra vocabulary

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Watch the video and test your understanding of telling the time in Spanish in this short quiz!