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24 September 2014

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I lve Brum because...
Victoria square
Victoria square
Why do you love Birmingham? Is it the great shopping and entertainment or is it the places to see and things to do?

Watch people talk about why they love Birmingham


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Birmingham offers a world class culturally diverse lively mix of shopping, attractions and fantastic nightlife.

Birmingham canals
Birmingham Canals

Throughout the year the city boasts a fun packed calendar of major international and local events for the whole family.

From the vibrant free Artsfest festival throughout the city centre to the Motorshow at the NEC.

Whether trying your luck in a casino, dancing the night away at a nightclub on Broad Street, to an evening at the the theatre or a delicious meal at one of hundreds of restaurants, cafes and bars Birmingham is a great city.

We love Brum because...

Vincent from Brum says:

It's a city of culture and a city that i'm proud to come from.

Watch Vincent and others talk about what they love best about Birmingham.

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Vincent from Brum

Why do you love Brum?

Let everyone know what you like to do in Birmingham and why you think it's such a great city.

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Yaseen, brummieland
i think brum is wicked coz of de fings ya get to do, it has so many resurants and the edbaston cricket ground[5 min walk frm my house] is as big as my terace row. if there was a award, it wud come 1st place n the mot cultural city in uk.

Birmingham is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, never mind just the UK. Where else can you find such a mix of cultures and ethnic backgrounds living alongside each other in relative harmony? The people are warm hearted and generous and have the ability to laugh along with others when they take the mickey of our accent, saying we are thick etc, rather than getting the hump. From some of the great buildings (although can we ignore the selfridges building) to the fantastic canals and fab shopping, Birmingham has something to offer everyone. I feel that it is about time us "Brummies" stood up and shouted loud about how proud we are of this great city, and stopped Manchester, the pretenders to the crown of 'second city' in their tracks. Birmingham IS and always will be the Second City and it is about time we were recognised as such and given the true status we deserve. For anyone thinking of visiting 'BRUM', come along, you will always find a welcome in the Heart of England.

Gurpal [13]
its got a lot of places to see

Tom James
I like Birmingham because I like all the canals that the city has and I think it's a nice city to shop in and visit and I like a city that has those things and I also like the new Mailbox building too which houses the new 成人快手 Studios,it's brilliant.

louise, bham
i luv bham, i luv our accents and everything, the shops are brilliant and are not overpriced, oasis market is the greatest shop for rockers, we welcome visitors with kindness , altogether very clean and anyone who says bham is horrible is just stupid.

I love birmigham because it is great funb & there are lots of shops:D

Gary, Birmingham
I love Birmingham because it's such a friendly, clean, culturally diverse city. It's Britain's 2nd city and officially the safest city in Europe. There's always something going on, events all year round. Millions of pounds have been spent on it over the last few years and now it actually looks fantastic too. There's over 8000 acres of parks in the city, more than any other UK city, and 140 nature conservation sites, making Birmingham one of the greenest cities in europe too! I could go on, but I'll run out of space!

Patricia Cund
it has nice new buildins in and the people are nice here

I love b'ham coz my luv asma stays there , she s so coool , i just luv her n b'ham

I miss Brum! Brought-up in Dudley, educated in Birmingham now working in London. It's a city of everything, ok it's got it's problems like every other city, but it's got emense character and fantastic friendly people!

Birmingham is the best city ever because its has Aston Villa & Nick Owen both things reminded me and my perents of home when we had to leave Birmingham because of my dads job. i was born in the city and most of my family still live there and when i go and stay in the school holidays theres always lots to do. this city will always be my home town.

It's a great city. I've spent two years. The best time in my life. I'm looking forward to visit it again.

Jane Perkins
I love Brum because i was brought up in the Black Country- now live in Cardiff- and Brum was the big city we all went too to have a really good night out. It has also improved a great deal in appearance but the people are just as great as ever.

I love this place because it is constantly changing.. After the poor town planning of the 60's, the culture shock of the 70's, the outright neglect of the 80's and the creative rumblings of the 90's.. this decade represents the evolution and gelling of cultures, and cultivation of creative aspirations of many that live here... That's what make Birnigham great... we just need some more....

I love Brum cuz its a sound boy area trus. Nuf sik mc's aswell, bare pushing the birmingham scene forward n dj's dey kno who dey r. hold tight Macca,Sucklin,Luke,Danny,Damon,Simon,Cotton n evry1 round the BG area trus me brapz!!!

Abi (15)
I LOVE brum.........its the best place in the world. ok we dont have the best weather......but there's loads 2 do !!! I have lived here all my life and wouldnt live anywhere else Brums WICKED !!!!!!

I love Birmingham bcuz dere is nuf sik mc's who r pushin 4 brum. dere is nuf sxy gyalz as well man 2 many 2 choose enit, big shout out 2 every1 at BG schl!

I love Birmingham because it is populated with the most friendliest people in the World!

sharday mitzumbachi
safe safe safe! brum is hardXcore mon.i is proud to av ppl lyk vincent comin from ma home twn ennit.safe to ur comment i is bummin brum 2.basics, i live for brum. big up to ma bfs leroy, kwaz, vince ;) ;) and biigest of all will! he is ma soulmate babayyyx I LOVE BIRMINGHAM. xoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxx

I always loved Birmingham because of it's people and I find my views on Brum confirmed by so many. Birmingham has a great athmosphere but the people makes living there worthwhile. I found them always welcoming and friendly. I miss Birmingham.

I love Birmingham because we don't have to keep going on about our city in an attempt to justify ourselves...unlike mancunians, which is where i'm living at the moment. We know we are the best and everybody else does too!

It's bostin!!!

I love Birmingham because that's where my Lady is! Love you my Hunny Bun

It wiked. Its the best place in the whole of England for me, not just cos I used to live there but because there is loads to do and see, +, cadburys is so wiked and just so you know in my school in Dubai I let everyone know im a brumie

Spencer Percival
i love the way that the place is simply the best in the UK. Your thoughts and rights are taken into consideration, and they are more than tolerant of your faith and culture. others may mock our OTT reaction to small things like Piglet being displayed during Ramadan, but i have to agree that this is what makes us so accepting of others. and good call Brownie on the Villa win. definitely going to be a one team affair!

S. Hifty
It's marginally better than Walsall.

Brownie (aged 11)
I luv brum, its ace and Aston Villa are the bestest team in the whole wild world man. Lucking forward 2 the darby at the weekend, villa will win 8-0, my mommy says she will let go to a game one day soon.

I love Birmingham because its my home town i like starcity, town bullring, fort shopping park, soho city and small heath.

The best thing about Birmingham by far has to be that its multi-cultural... and we got nuff good MC's! I was born and bred in B.C and il always be proud of my city and il be reppin it 24-7 standerdly!!! theres just no city that compares to brum!!

What do I love about Brum? Well the best things to come out of Brum are. Balti's, Severn Trent Water,Edwards No. 8 when it was a rock club with Paul Jones and Dave Juste and when the great bands used to play like 48 crash,Wolfsbane and Slowburner. Nostalga and Comics,Costamongers,did I mention Balti's? Mr Osborne sir,Aston Villa and of course not forgetting the best BALTI houses in the world. Brum, yeah its a pretty cool place.

Ruthy C From Cardiff
I love Birmingham because I have a lot of good friends from there. As you can see Im from Cardiff and so I dont get to go there too often but I know A LOT of people from there still. A big hello to Lloyd, Dean, Darren, Elaine,Lewis, Enz, Tyrone oh and my girl Jessy says hi 2! Its all about the Brummies!!!! What u reckon about the welsh?

Birmingham is the Second City and will always be the Second City. It is a wonderful place to live. The vast majority of people in Birmingham are also wonderful, friendly and helpful I cannot imagine living anywhere else. I have lived in Southern England and am a frequent visitor to the North. All nice places to visit but I would not want to live there. Manchester will never replace Birmingham and we Brummies are not happy about them trying to. We have a very beautiful very green city with more parkland than most certainly wonder canals and in fact Birmingham has won the best waterfront award. We have the best shopping centre the list goes on.

I love Brum coz i spent 4yrs of my life there.I'm not living in Edgbaston anymore but I will always come back like every 3 months... I've met some really nice people, and i like the atmosphere in B'gham...I like the city centre; i spent so many times there...it was great...and i ll never forget that.

I'm American, from Los Angeles, and I spent the good part of a year in B'ham. The city centre is wonderful, with the art museum featuring Edward Burne-Jones, the new Bullring, and the many other landmarks. Brummies should be very proud of their city, especially because the people are the best part! Intelligent and warm, I felt very welcome. Well done, you!

I've lived in Brum all my life and I love it! There are loads of shops (ie The Oasis Market; the best shop on the planet) CADBURY WORLD!!!!!! mmm chocolate! n Ozzy Osbourne is from Birmingham and hes like the best rocker in the Universe! So its obvious why Brums the best place to be!

I moved to Brum 2 years ago now, and really like it. The quality of like is good and the city is vibrant, diverse in many ways and full of very interesting things to do. I will probably have to move this time around next year, and I think I'll miss this place--especially the Rep, summer saturdays in Victoria Square and Moseley--a lot!

We gave the world's best heavy metal, the original mack daddies of football(clue: they don't play in royal blue) who practically invented league football, Lord of the Rings, Cadburys Chocolate the list goes on and on. LICK A SHOT TO DA BEZTEST CITY IN DA UNIVERSE!

One word - 'people'. Other cities have nice buildings and good shops and bars but there isn't a city in the entire world that has people like brummies. Down to earth, modest, hardworking and welcoming people built and live in, this great city and continue to do so. The immigrants add to the culture and diversity to further enhance the reputation. I know lots of people that have come to live here and they love it, the people who criticise bham have never lived here - don't knock it til you've tried it!

Birmingham is the best because we are the best people. It's all about the brummys ;)

i love brum because its the best place in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dudley lads....best

Lost in Scotland
What makes Brum so great is its diversity and multiculturalism. No place compares to it, we have art, history, science, shopping entertainment and yes we even have open green spaces (Likey Hills!). We also have the best chocolate in the world, and who could beat the Balti mile. We may get stick for the accent but who cares when we have soo much else going for us.

I love Birmingham as it is so full of life with plenty going on and lots of buses. I was born at Selly Oak and have also lived in Harborne and Erdington but now live in Tamworth which I hate.. Going back into Birmingham is my excitement. I really like the hustle. bustle and the spiel of the market traders and like to see the big shops and so many people

You can always get a good Samosa!

Birmingham is great - there is a wide range of ethnic groups and different cultures - there are loads of shops for all people from babies to children to teenagers to elderly its great - the people are great also, friendly and warm - I wouldnt change it for the world! :)

A Brummie living up North
Add your comment here I just love coming home and hearing all the accents - not much of them up here! We' ve so much to be proud of, despite what people say about our accents! Once a Brummie, always a Brummie!

...I spent there a very happy and exciting year, as being a postgraduate student in the University of Birmingham! It was really great! I miss u Birmi!!!

Birmingham is great because it a changed city, It better than Manchester and it has the best shopping centre The Bullring!

Black Sabbath and Judas Priest came from Birmingham. Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin also. 'Nuff said.

its just the best city eny 1 could live in i mean we got girls ennit

It's where I was born. Although I have not lived there for a very long time, it will always be home. My best mate is still there, and so are my family. I now live in New Zealand, but you will never take the Brummie out of me.

i love it cus its coooool !!!

I love Brum because it has everything anyone needs... great culture, nightlife, shopping, entertainment, but most of all atmosphere. I'm from Nottingham originally but have been in and around Brum for years, although now I am at uni in the North-East and miss the place. I'm proud to be a Midlander because of Brum!

Imran Khalid
I love b'ham coz of rich in culture and many nationality here. Bullring and broad street are the beautiful places to explore something, and good shopping centre

Yvonne E拢lton
I love Brum because it is my home town and there is no other place i would like to live. It as all the entertainment any one could wish for, and it makes people welcome where ever they come from. It does not cost the earth to live here like London and we dont have a chip on our sholders unlike people from the capital.

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