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24 September 2014

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November 2003
Malachi; the cure for the children of Birmingham?
Written by Romana, 13, and Natasha, 14.

The Malachi Choir performing
Malachi Community Trust is a charity for 5-15 year olds who suffer the traumas of modern day life, such as family problems, peer pressure and isolation.

Romana and Natasha tell us about the Trust and the Malachi Choir.

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Malachi Community Trust was founded by Gordon and Lyn in 1991.

Gordon is a skilled musician with many years of experience working with young people in schools throughout the West Midlands. Lyn is a qualified councillor and gifted songwriter. Together, they write original and exciting musicals, which provide a platform for teaching and discussion.

Achieving goals

Children acting out plays
Children acting out a play

The Malachi Community Trust works in schools. They aim to improve educational performance, reduce youth crime, improve health and social care and provide a service for those who are usually excluded.

At the end of each term, those who have been participating in the musicals are invited to a public performance at venues such as The Symphony Hall in Birmingham.

The Malachi Community Trust is recognised by The Children's and Young Persons Unit as the model of Best Practice for the Midlands.

The Malachi Choir

Children in a show
Children performing

This is where The Malachi Choir comes into it. Malachi Choir is a group consisting of children from some of the schools and serves as a focal point for the public performances.

It is run separately from the schools and works on one musical a year - casting members of the choir for the roles and performing around Birmingham.

Representing the country!

We've performed at The Dome in 2000, for the Queens Jubilee in 2002 and we will be performing in Brussels in December 2003, representing not only our city but also our country.

The musical we are currently engaged in is "Led by the Star." It uses the Christmas story to get young people thinking about issues including those arising from being brought up by a step-parent, being an outsider in a community and teenage pregnancy.

See us at Symphony Hall & The Palisades

The choir performing
The Choir performing

We will be performing this at The Symphony Hall on the 24th of November, and we will be singing songs from "Led by the Star" at The Palisades Shopping Centre on the 20th December at 11am and 1pm.

Gordon and Lyn have scripted and written the music for other plays which look at the issues of divorce, sibling rivalry, jealousy, stealing, low self-esteem, self-control and problem solving, to name but a few.

Comments made by teachers

Mike Ryan, Head teacher of Nelson Primary School said: "The issues they raise within their projects, such as dishonesty, trust, commitment, etc. have proved invaluable in our teaching of R.E. and P.S.M.E.

Quote marksGordon and Lyn Lee's expertise and enthusiasm encourages high achievement by individuals and groups of pupils. Their positive professional relationships with teachers and learning support staff enhance school life.Quote marks
Sid Freeman, R.E. Advisor

"The resulting drama and music have given the children such confidence and really heightened their self-esteem."

Prof. Tim Brighouse, Chief Education Officer, Birmingham: "I have been really impressed by the enthusiasm, commitment and energy of Gordon and Lyn and their determination to help put pupils in the position of surprising themselves into doing something they didn't think they could do."

The choir think it's great!

"I like the songs because they make me happy and Gordon and Lyn are very nice. I like everything about the Malachi!" say Annalise and Claudia aged 5 and 7.

Fiona aged 12 said: "Malachi is a place where you can go on a Saturday morning, sing great songs and meet new friends!"

"It has helped me realise how lucky I am and it has boosted my confidence!" Natasha aged 14.

It's great fun

Natasha and Romana performing
Natasha and Romana performing

Malachi productions are great fun. We think Malachi is one of the best things in Birmingham! There is always something for everyone to get involved in and everyone is treated equally and fairly! There is always a friendly atmosphere.

Malachi is an important organisation for today's society and will help the future generations to grow up in a better place.

By Romana, 13, and Natasha, 14.
(Editor and Sub-editor of Malachi Kids Magazine)

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