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June 2003
'NewÌýLife forÌýBirmingham Theatre'
Written by Susie Riddell
Susie Riddell and Paul Magson
Susie Riddell and Paul Magson: founder members of 12LB Actor
12LB Actor, a new Birmingham theatre company, debut at the Mac before heading off to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Susie Riddell reveals their creation.
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Start quoteIn the beginning 12LB Actor created the crowd and the boards,
And the boards were without form and void.
And 12LB Actor said, Let there be light, and there were spotlights and footlights.
And 12LB Actor divided the light from the darkness.
And 12LB Actor called the light a wash and the darkness a blackout.
And 12LB Actor said, Let us make actors in our image and let them have dominion over the boards.
And 12LB Actor said unto them, Be fruitful, and replenish the theatres.
And on the seventh day 12LB Actor continued to rehearse.end quote

12LB Actor
12LB Actor - a new theatre group in Birmingham
Conceived on a cold January evening after several beers in a Harborne pub, 12LB Actor is the brainchild of producer, Susie Riddell and writer, Paul Magson.

12LB Actor, derives from a nineteenth century phrase meaning, ‘a healthy child born into the theatrical profession’.

The company’s first child, Whatever Happened to White Dog Shit? (a bittersweet comedy) is due on the 10-14 June at the Hexagon Theatre, Mac.

Preparations for the birth are going swimmingly. Pre-natal rehearsals take place regularly upstairs at the Ivy Bush pub, Hagley Road with both Susie and Paul taking an active role along with fellow actor and Moseley bard, Robin Bailey. Co-director and midwife is Selly Park’s, Ed (Jon) Morris.

After the birth, the little bundle of joy shall toddle north to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

And what can you expect from this bundle of joy?

Like all children it’ll create great joy, maybe produce the occasional smelly mess and certainly leave you with a sense of pride at having witnessed something special.

12LB Actor’s Whatever Happened to White Dog Shit? is the dill and lemon dressing to life’s griddled monkfish – you may choose to abstain, but the experience won’t be half as tasty without it!

The debut

Whatever Happened to White Dog Shit? by Paul Magson is showing from 10th -14th June at 7.30pm at The Hexagon Theatre, mac, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham.
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