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24 September 2014

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karaoke singing

By Jonathan Jacob

Local teenage girls were in for a treat as Touchwood in Solihull became a haven of music, style, beauty, talent and fashion.

for the girls

Boybands and solo artistes, make up artists and stylists, karaoke machines, and even the power puff girls made their appearances at a giant roadshow in the Touchwood Centre aimed at local teenage girls and to give them the opportunity to experience a variety of interactive zones like: style, music, talent and beauty.

for the boys

Boys weren't left empty handed as the whole roadshow was presented by local lass Laura Jaye of children's television, pop stardom and also an entrant in the Top 100 Sexiest girls in a male magazine poll - plus there was a competition to find the best looking guy, who'd win a magazine photoshoot.


Youngsters, who'd reckon they were the next Christina Aguilera or Pink got the chance to stretch their vocal chords by trying out a new interactive karaoke PS2 game or for the less theatrical girlies there were plenty of try-outs and giveaways available for fashion, beauty and hair as well as professional make overs and fashion advice.


Modelling scouts were also on the look out as one Midlander will get the chance to win a contract with a top London based modelling agency.

live music

The main stage show, which hosted the model competition also provided the arena for a live music from a variety of acts including ex-Pop Idol Chris Hyde, RnB girl ground - FYA and dance groups Smujji and Angel City.

Also on the stage were up and coming punk/pop group, Freefaller who'll be releasing their debut single in September. I managed to catch up with Ollie, Rich, Gary and Dean just before they went on stage.


JJ: Hey guys, how's you? So聟 how did Freefaller all start then?

<< the group all point to Ollie >>

Ollie: (in a Geordie accent) 聟. Well basically, I used to be in a band called Point Break - like. When that split and finished, we decided what can we do, like, to move on sorta' thing! I started writing songs for other artists and then I met Dean, because Dean was our tour manager's cousin. I met Rich through a friend of mine and Gary I'd been working with as part of the management team for Point Break - we were all writing and we just thought; sod other people, let's just do it ourselves - so three and a half years later, that's why we're here.

JJ: Wow, you've been working on it for a long time then! What's been the hardest part so far in that three and a half years?

Ollie: Being broke! Wanting to do what we want to do, but being completely skint, like!

JJ: Awwww - so what are you guys looking forward to the most today then?

Rich: Today, hmmm.. getting onstage and enjoying it!

Gary: Getting out and doing the gig, talking to people afterwards. Y'know, just that kinda thing really - hanging out, having a good time!

JJ: So, what's been the best gig you've done so far?

Gary: Ohhh聟 I don't know? Probably... Err聟Stockton a couple of weeks ago. The crowd was amazing, was about 30 thousand people there - it was great, it was such a buzz, was a really good day!

JJ: Do you write your own material guys? How long does that take you?

Rich: Everything has either been written by us or we've co-written with other people. Now, sometimes it can take a couple of hours and other times it can take a couple of weeks. It depends how easy it flows, really?

Dean: Our sound is 'PunkPop', it's a bit American punk with British Pop!

Ollie: Ya'see like, we could see here and tell you what it is and what it isn't but we'll leave that to you to decide

JJ: Now, finally - if you could support anyone, who would it be?

Dean: Avril Lavinge
Rich: I'm gonna say Blink 182 - that'll be cool!
Ollie: To be honest, I couldn't care as long as we just got up on stage and did what we did, I wouldn't be bothered who'd we support - BUT I'd draw the line at the Tweenies. They're too hard rockers for us!
Gary: We saw Bowling for Soup a while ago and that was a pretty wicked live show - that'll be cool to be on their show.

Freefaller certainly rocked out Solihull and everyone really seemed to enjoy their performance - in which saw a lot of their fan base who turned up. I didn't manage to catch the other acts but I'm sure everyone had a great time.

If you were there - email jonathan.jacob@bbc.co.uk and let us know what you though of the event, the show and the pop acts! The best views will go up on the site.


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