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28 October 2014

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DJ workshops

By Jonathan Jacob

2Pac and Dizzy Rascal in Erdington 聟 well, not quite. In 2004, local young people were given an opportunity to create tracks like their musical idols.

DJ workshops

Youngsters of all ages are being offered free DJ workshops as part of Anim8 Stockland Greens' young people's summer programme. The project sees industry professionals from Punch Records teach a handful of young aspiring MCers how to 'create beats' and 'write a lyric' - in preparation to create their very own garage track with Punch Records.

Highcroft Social and Sports centre, opposite Josiah Mason College provides the venue to the 3 hour workshops held every Monday and Tuesday.

Dakheem Simms, 15 from Erdington found out about the course from his rapper uncle who works at Punch Records, 'MadFlow' - who suggested he'd give it a go.

JJ: What are these workshops about then??

DS: This is about teaching young people how to beat box, make music and stuff for the community."

JJ: What is everyone doing today in this studio and what's in it for you?

DS: Well, not everyone is here today as they're on holiday but today is a recording day when people get to record their demos. I MC and I rap - I do both. I want people to hear and listen to my words, it's the beat as well and the music because that entertains. I've got all my lyrics ready and then Chris, over there (points to Chris) puts it over some 'bad beats'!

JJ: Bad Beats?!?!

DS: Well bad as in good! You get me?

JJ: Yep, I think so? How long would it take to write a track then?

DS: I don't know - I make my lyrics quick, it all depends how long they are. I don't make my lyrics very long, they're in my head and I'm very quick. If I don't like it later then I get rid of it later. I came here with my lyrics all ready made - well I wrote one lyric but that didn't take very long.

JJ: What do you mean by a 'lyric'? A word? A chorus?

DS: A 'lyric' is like one verse, yep 聟 one verse. It takes about five minutes to write one lyric.

JJ: OK, cool! Would you do something like this again?

DS: Yeah, as I found out about this from my uncle I didn't know it existed before, but yeah I would do it again. There are a lot of activities going on, even during school time, I perform at school - I went to this one because it's close. I'm always writing lyrics or listening to music. The best thing for me has been the opportunity to make whole songs - I've really enjoyed it.

JJ: Would you recommend it to someone else?

DS: Yes, definitly because it gives young people the opportunity to express themselves with their lyrics and could give you the break to make it big.

lyrics and beats

Dakheems musical idols are people like 2Pac, Dizzy Rascal and Whiley - and Anim8's project manager, Elise Shaw and her team are giving young people the opportunity to create lyrics and beats similar to their idols in their local community.

"We teamed up and collaborated with large arts organisations such as Sound Futures, Josiah Mason Youth Music and Punch Records and it took a couple of months to set it all up with initial meetings where we'd figure out the delivery of the programme and what people will get out of it in the end and also recruiting the young people to join in the programme.

"We're going to be doing a lot more arts activities soon from Drama workshops to a Bollywood video project - in which young people will write, produce, film, act and edit a full Bollywood film for Black History month, that'll be premiered at Star City.

"These courses are designed to encourage those participants to enter into further education or employment in the creative industries."

The up-and-coming DJs will hear their own tracks in full glory - with lyrics and beats that they have written and produced as they will get a CD full of their tunes to play to family and friends and the end.

The ten aspiring performers all seemed to have a great time and a really relaxed environment, it was very 'youth' focused with the tutors being on the same level and socialising with the participants which created a very warm and focused atmosphere within the room - where everyone was willing to get involved and have a go.

DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops
DJ workshops

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