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28 October 2014

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Andrew Morris


Andrew plays the 'stud' teacher Mr Myers. But Andrew's an old pro in the world of 'luvvies'. Read on to see which other performances he's starred in.


Hi, I'm Andrew Morris. I go to the Arthur Terry Performing Arts College in Sutton Coldfield and this is my second year with the Alexandra Theatre's Summer Youth Project - least year it was Guys & Dolls which had lot more acting in, really I'm suited to that as I've got two left feet.

The thing I was looking forward to the most was probably just making new friends and I've made loads. This project is really great, because we're treated like adults and it's very professionally run with a strict discipline and we're getting the experience of working in a professional theatre to see it if is a career you'll like to get into in the future. I wouldn't mind getting into the acting business - but whether I do is a different matter.

In the past I've done two school shows of Les Mis and Jesus Christ Superstar. In Les Mis I had a number of solo songs in which was a great experience. Fame and Les Mis are two completely different types of shows, but this is my favourite as I felt it was a bigger achievement getting into this than a school show.

It's great to have on my CV that I've performed at a professional theatre as a lead role - that's quite a big thing. I'd love to be able to say I've performed Les Mis in a professional West End theatre, though! Playing one of the lead roles - that'll be wicked!

The atmosphere backstage is very chilled and laid back some days but on others it's VERY rushed and all a big panic - but its good fun. You'll never really sitting down doing nothing - whether I'm practicing a dance routine for later on or learning lines, learning a new song, practicing a instrument for a new scene or even having a fitting in costume - it's often quite busy.

My costume for Fame is a pair of dark teacher-type trousers and shoes with a shirt underneath a 'tank-top' and a tie! I'm going to look very slick!

Everyone is very bubbly - some of the girls are a little bit TOO bubbly. It's a friendly atmosphere here, with everyone of a similar age and treated the same as adults. This is such a great experience.

This is what it says in my script about my character - "Mr Myers, the drama teacher is good looking, easy going and in his EARLY, EARLY thirties" - I'm the stud teacher of the school let's say! Unlike my 'real' drama teacher, Mr Jordan, who likes to think he is a 'stud teacher'. He isn't really. I think I relate to my character with the looks and that I'm easy going as well and I take it as it comes.

Find out more about the cast from Fame

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