picture 32 emmmmmmmm
she always think in a flowers station!!! trully
So thats who stole my pink wafers!
The ladies look great, and aslong they had some fun, that is all that matters. Disgruntled, what the hell are you talking about? There is a need for war so that these women can be stopped from having some fun!?
Sue FromDapper Hat Hire
I think the ladies look stunning, especially the ones wearing my hat's!!!!!!
Random Person 2
The things you see when you haven't got your gun :-)
Looks like loads of fun. Great designs!!!!!!
Women are terribly shallow and their fawning over hats exemplifies this. We can only hope for another war to correct all this consumerism & narcissism.
Ida shakespeare
Excellent - size perfect! 7 or 8 short deep coloured (deep blue) feathers in the middle would brighten it up!
Ida Shakespeare
LOVE it! Maybe add a few brighter colours where the feathers begin!!!
Ida Shakespeare
Loving the bow idea but not so keen on the flower in the middle of it! The base which curves from the bow on the the brim is marvie!!!
Random person
Wow.... so thats where my Christmas tree went!
Random person
Someones been shopping at Primark!
Random person
Random person
OMG that is sooooooo tacky, can anybody say Flamingo?
Random person
Because she looks nice, NOT!
I am designing an outfit for the ladies day at Ascot as part of my A Level Design course. These pictures have given great ideas, but many more welcome! Please send some ideas my way!! =]
Kiera Scott
I have to design a hat for my higher art exam...ladies day has given me some great all look fab
I'm in need of a hat for a wedding ,only the Queen's looked suitable. I bet her majesty had a good laugh at some of them, if she saw them before they entered the racecourse eating cold fried battered fish between thick sliced bread I don't think she would be amused.I had a shop next to the course and the fish stall was opposite.
Solveig O麓Brien
WISH I was there!!!!! seems to have been a great day, at least one of my hats where there :)
who won the competion for best dressed for ladys day they all look great cant wait till next year
tanya and hellen
were going this june and these pics have inspired us to find a wacky but chic hat now!!! lol xxxx
darling, these hats are marvellous honestly that was the best day out ever! thank you to everyone who called my hat mighty elaborate. i'm going again next year!ahoy ascot
I think these pics are amazing!! I would love to go to Ascot someday!!!I loved picture 2...she is very glamorous although i dont know how she would fit in the car.......
25 boils my kettle WOW absolute stunner xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Laura, Hannah and Louise
These hats are mighty spiffing! Very Well Done! We Don't Have Any Events Like This In Sphgilosna :(
What fun! We in the US do not have such a glorious-hat day - ah...too bad. Enjoyed the pics and the fun. You all look great! Loved 54.
And this class was the real reason the Pilgrim women wanted out of England. They saw a millinery catastrophe in the making and really wanted out FAST..well that and that whole religious thing. But if you look at it...hats can be a religion all of their own !
Do these hats get passed on to be used at the Annual Holloween Parade in NYC? Now there's a thought :)
Louise Seeley
The picture of Princess Anne is from last year 2006!
I was their and most people did look stunning, pictures were only of the outragous hats , its a way to get noticed i suppose but what about the rest of us with the simple desighns...
lynn briault
I missed the TV coverage as I had to fly to Norway. Neither Sky News or 成人快手 World News had any coverage, so thank you for this site!
I m disappointed ladies could have tried a bit harder!!!! all quite boring ordinary hats !!! next year ascot should ban boring hat people from entering !!!!!!!
Apart from the Queen, so naff I couldn't get to the end. About time milliners stopped making hats one size. Often far too big obscuring women's eyes. Very few fit properly. Ban Banana fibre, please. And those ludicrous bits of feathers sticking out of the sides of peoples heads. You're not in the chorus, love.
Thay all look like Dame Edna!
mary wright
I saw coverage of Ascot last year and thought theladies hats wqere reallylovely. This year I must say I am disappointed. Hats worn by ladies that do not suit them at all. The Queenas always stands out among the crowd.
Most looked fab, but so many women just plonk any old hat on there heads and look ridiclous!
the hat is spectacular.a very well thaught design.very beautiful and fun, perfect for
you all look well pretty tbh
like peacock
like a peacock
Emily x
Very Nice Hats. Clap On The Back For All Of Youu.
Totally garish and unbecoming the modern woman! Who could design such? Only the Queenwas properly attired. I thought I was looking at a Halloween contest!
i think its nice to see everyone dressing up having a good time but my how some people have so much more money than taste....just remember the queen is watching you!
Kara and Jessie Tointen
I think they all looked great, some hats i wouldnt have the guts to wear but thumbs up to you! I really liked the hat that imitated the race horses! Good idea!
Amanda Garty
i think all of your hats are wonderful i think the one with all the feathers hanging down is cool
Sally Harper - Sharper Millinery
Thanks for our photo in the gallery! (We are number 11) If you would like to see further designs please go to
Francis Donnelly
A warm Oirish welcome awaits for no 45. Come in gills!
where are our pictures we were the best dressed here!!! lv elizabeth and bonita
ben wayland
I think that ouija board is a class horse but is a picture to watch in racing but on the other hand all of the horses are ready to win a race. I think in St James Palace stakes i think that Araafa deserved the win because he was a picture.I think in the ascot gold cup yeats is an asboutely a class horse for his age he deserved it but my favourite horses would be azamour, doyen, hurricane run, alexandrova, ace, electrocutionist all of goodolphin horses and the team, sir percy, motivator, yeats, rock of gibraltar and many more my exprience through horse racing as been exellent i love horse racing a billon percent.
jiimy h
my moneys on the fillies in box 20 absolutely fab sweetie well shod ladies.
Glad to see all of you looking so well. I hope that you enjoyed the day
Bob and Sue
We enjoyed the Ascot party atmosphere and everyone looked amazing! We met #26 Rachael, she was Beautiful. what a fabulous effort from a fabulous looking lady!
That number 26 is a fine filly!
I think the ladies look absolutely lovely. #26 was georgeous!
It could be you next
My Vote is for number 6 with out a doubt
woops too much going on there
Rachael Walsworth (26)
Thank you for taking my photograph, it's the only one I have at the moment until I get copies from my friends! It was my first time at Ascot but I will definitely be back next year!
Louis Mariette
A huge congratulations on wonderful images.A quick update on some images if you need them for press and I would be delighted to work on any upcomeing innovotive projects together. Please feel free to check my website on
Your images :
No 2- Isabelle Kristensen, hat by Louis Mariette
No 25- Lara Lewington Channel 5 presenter,hat by Louis Marirette
No 39- Gilly,hat by Louis Mariette
No 59- Yourou Konate,hat by Louis Mariette
best wishes
Christine Martin Tehidy Cornwall
We had a most fabulous day on Friday. The weather was glorious.My Daughter looked very pretty in pink and my two sons wore Cornish Kilts. We hoped for a photo but better luck for next year.
jess and jessie
we think that the queen is fantasmagorical!!!!! i [jess] watched the party! my daaaad worked there!
i love your pictures of the hats as ilove hats, i think millinary should be worn more often