
Consultation on the draft 成人快手 Editorial Guidelines 2024

This consultation was open for six weeks from Thursday 7 November to Thursday 19 December 2024

The 成人快手 has opened a consultation on a revised draft of the Editorial Guidelines. These set the editorial standards for the 成人快手 and apply to everyone who works or produces output for the 成人快手. The guidelines cover a range of topics including impartiality, accuracy, fairness and privacy. The guidelines also reflect the Ofcom Broadcasting Code but go further than the Code, for example in the application of due accuracy and due impartiality.

The 成人快手 periodically reviews the guidelines to ensure they keep pace with legal, editorial, and technical changes, as well as changes in audience habits and attitudes. These reviews take place approximately every four to five years. The current Editorial Guidelines were published in 2019.

Under the current Charter, the 成人快手 Board is responsible for the Editorial Guidelines. The Agreement states that the 成人快手 must: “set, publish, review periodically, and observe guidelines designed to secure appropriate standards in the context of the UK Public Services”.

The 成人快手 Board has approved for consultation the version published here and will take into account views expressed in the consultation before finalising and publishing the guidelines.

The existing (2019) Editorial Guidelines will remain in force until the consultation has concluded and the revised guidelines have been finalised and published.

The consultation document below explains why we are consulting, what we are consulting on and how to respond. It should be read alongside the draft Editorial Guidelines also published below.

This consultation was open from 7 November to 19 December 2024.

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